Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
For a full list of all and recent papers, see Google Scholar page here or Biggs cv here.
* indicates student co-author
Rahmati, O., Falah, F., Dayal, K., Deo, R. C., Mohammadi, F., Biggs, T., Moghaddam, D.D., Naghibi, S.A., Bui, D. T. 2019. Machine learning approaches for spatial modeling of agricultural droughts in south-east region of Queensland Australia. Science of The Total Environment, 134230. Temporary free access:
Biggs, T. W., Santiago, T. M. O., Sills, E., & Caviglia-Harris, J. 2019. The Brazilian Forest Code and riparian preservation areas: spatiotemporal analysis and implications for hydrological ecosystem services. Regional Environmental Change.
Rahmati, O., Falah, F., Naghibi, S. A., Biggs, T., Soltani, M., Deo, R. C., … Tien Bui, D. 2019. Land subsidence modelling using tree-based machine learning algorithms. Science of The Total Environment, 672, 239–252.
Rahmati, O., Golkarian, A., Biggs, T., Keesstra, S., Mohammadi, F., & Daliakopoulos, I. N. 2019. Land subsidence hazard modeling: Machine learning to identify predictors and the role of human activities. Journal of Environmental Management, 236, 466–480.
*Lee, R., Biggs, T., & Fang, X. 2018. Thermal and Hydrodynamic Changes under a Warmer Climate in a Variably Stratified Hypereutrophic Reservoir. Water.
*Gudino-Elizondo, N., Biggs, T., Bingner, R., Yuan, Y., Langendoen, E., Taniguchi, K., … Liden, D. 2018. Modelling Ephemeral Gully Erosion from Unpaved Urban Roads: Equifinality and Implications for Scenario Analysis. Geosciences, 8(4), 137.
*Gudino-Elizondo, N., Biggs, T. W., Castillo, C., Bingner, R. L., Langendoen, E. J., Taniguchi, K. T., … Liden, D. (2018). Measuring ephemeral gully erosion rates and topographical thresholds in an urban watershed using unmanned aerial systems and structure from motion photogrammetric techniques. Land Degradation & Development, 0(0).
Storlazzi, C. D., Cheriton, O. M., *Messina, A. M., & Biggs, T. W. 2018. Meteorologic, oceanographic, and geomorphic controls on circulation and residence time in a coral reef-lined embayment: Faga’alu Bay, American Samoa. Coral Reefs.
Gao, X., Chen, X., Biggs, T.W., & Yao, H. 2018. Separating Wet and Dry Years to Improve Calibration of SWAT in Barrett Watershed, Southern California. Water .
*Taniguchi, K. T., Biggs, T. W., Langendoen, E. J., Castillo, C., Gudino-Elizondo, N., Yuan, Y., & Liden, D. 2018. Stream channel erosion in a rapidly urbanizing region of the US-Mexico border: documenting the importance of channel hardpoints with Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.
*Beland, M., Biggs, T. W., Roberts, D. A., Peterson, S. H., Kokaly, R. F., & Piazza, S. 2017. Oiling accelerates loss of salt marshes, southeastern Louisiana. PloS One, 12(8), e0181197.
Cui, J., Tian, L., Biggs, T. W., & Wen, R. 2017. Deuterium-excess determination of evaporation to inflow ratios of an alpine lake: Implications for water balance and modelling. Hydrological Processes,
Biggs, T. W., Marshall, M., & *Messina, A. 2016. Mapping daily and seasonal evapotranspiration from irrigated crops using global climate grids and satellite imagery: Automation and methods comparison. Water Resources Research, 52(9), 7311–7326.
Hess, T. M., Sumberg, J., Biggs, T. W., Georgescu, M., Haro-Monteagudo, D., Jewitt, G., Ozdogan, M., Marshall, M., Thenkabail, P., Daccache, A., Knox, J. W. 2016. A sweet deal? Sugarcane, water and agricultural transformation in Sub-Saharan Africa. Global Environmental Change, 39, 181–194.
*Beland, M., Roberts, D. A., Peterson, S. H., Biggs, T. W., Kokaly, R. F., Piazza, S., Roth, K., Khanna, S., Ustin, S. L. 2016. Mapping changing distributions of dominant species in oil-contaminated salt marshes of Louisiana using imaging spectroscopy. Remote Sensing of Environment, 182, 192–207.
*Messina, A. T., and Biggs, T. W. 2016. Contributions of human activities to suspended sediment yield during storm events from a small, steep, tropical watershed. Journal of Hydrology, 538, 726-742,
Marshall, M., Thenkabail, P., Biggs, T., and Post, K. 2016. Hyperspectral narrowband and multispectral broadband indices for remote sensing of crop evapotranspiration and its components (transpiration and soil evaporation). Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 218–219, 122–134.
*Taniguchi, K. T., & Biggs, T. W. 2015. Regional impacts of urbanization on stream channel geometry: A case study in semiarid southern California. Geomorphology, 248, 228–236.
Biggs, T. W., C.-T. Lai, P. Chandan, R. M. Lee*, A. Messina*, R. S. Lesher*, and N. Khatoon. 2015. Evaporative fractions and elevation effects on stable isotopes of high elevation lakes and streams in arid western Himalaya, J. Hydrol., 522(0), 239–249, doi:
*Lee, R. M., and T. W. Biggs. 2014. Impacts of land use, climate variability, and management on thermal structure, anoxia, and transparency in hypereutrophic urban water supply reservoirs, Hydrobiologia, 1–22, doi:10.1007/s10750-014-2112-1
Biggs, T.W., *Anderson, W.G., Pombo, O.A., 2014. Concrete and Poverty, Vegetation and Wealth? A Counterexample from Remote Sensing of Socioeconomic Indicators on the U.S.–Mexico Border. Professional Geographer 1–14. doi:10.1080/00330124.2014.905161.
*Wang N, Biggs T.W., Skupin A. 2013. Visualizing gridded time series data with self-organizing maps: An application to multi-year snow dynamics in the Northern Hemisphere. Comp. Env. Urban Sys. DOI:
Biggs, T.W. and *Whitaker, T., 2012. Critical elevation zones of snowmelt during peak discharges in mountain river basins. Journal of Hydrology. 438-439: 52-65
Biggs, T.W. and *D’Anna, H., 2012. Rapid increase in copper concentrations in a new marina, San Diego Bay. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 64(3): 627-635.
Neill C, Chaves J, Biggs T, Deegan L, Elsenbeer H, Figueiredo R, Germer S, Johnson M, Lehmann J, Markewitz D & Piccolo M. 2011. Runoff sources and land cover change in the Amazon: an end-member mixing analysis from small watersheds. Biogeochemistry 105: 7-18
Bouma, J.A., Biggs, T.W. and Bouwer, L.M., 2011. The downstream externalities of harvesting rainwater in semi-arid watersheds: An Indian case study. Agricultural Water Management, 98(7): 1162-1170.
Chatterjee, A., E. Blom, B. Gujja, R. Jacimovic, L. Beevers, J. O’Keeffe, M. Beland, and T. Biggs. 2010. WWF Initiatives to Study the Impact of Climate Change on Himalayan High-altitude Wetlands (HAWs). Mountain Research and Development 30 (1):42-52.
Van Rooijen, D., Biggs, T., Smout, I. and Drechsel, P. 2010. Urban growth, wastewater production and use in irrigated agriculture: a comparative study of Accra, Addis Ababa and Hyderabad. Irrigation and Drainage Systems 24: 53–64, doi 10.1007/s10795-10009-19089-10793.
Venot J-P, Jella K, Bharati L, George B, Biggs T, Rao PG, Gumma MK, & Acharya S. 2010. Farmers’ Adaptation and Regional Land-Use Changes in Irrigation Systems under Fluctuating Water Supply, South India. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 136, 595-609. §§
Biggs, T.W., *Atkinson, E., Powell, R. and Ojeda, L., 2010. Land cover following rapid urbanization on the US-Mexico border: Implications for conceptual models of urban watershed processes. Landscape and Urban Planning, doi:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2010.02.005. §
Biggs, T.W., Gangadhara Rao, P. and Bharati, L., 2010. Mapping agricultural responses to water supply shocks in large irrigation systems, southern India. Agricultural Water Management, 97(6): 924-932, doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2010.01.027. §
Biggs, T. W., and B. Jiang. 2009. Soil Salinity and Exchangeable Cations in a Wastewater Irrigated Area, India. Journal of Environmental Quality 38 (3):887-896.
Van Rooijen, D. J., H. Turral, and T. W. Biggs. 2009. Urban and industrial water use in the Krishna Basin, India. Irrigation and Drainage 58 (4):406-428.
Lee, E., Chase, T.N., Rajagopalan, B., Barry, R.G., Biggs, T.W. and Lawrence, P.J., 2009. Effects of irrigation and vegetation activity on early Indian summer monsoon variability. International Journal of Climatology: 29 (4):573-581, doi 10.1002/joc.1721.
Biggs, T. W., C. A. Scott, A. Gaur, J.-P. Venot, T. Chase, and E. Lee. 2008. Impacts of irrigation and anthropogenic aerosols on the water balance, heat fluxes, and surface temperature in a river basin. Water Resources Research 44: 10.1029/2008WR006847.
Van Rooijen, D., H. Turral, and T.W. Biggs. 2008. Urban and industrial water use in the Krishna Basin, India. Irrigation and Drainage online:10.1002/ird.439.
Venot, J.-P., T. Biggs, F. Molle, and H. Turral. 2008. Reconfiguration and closure of river basins in south India: trajectory of the lower Krishna basin. Water International 33 (4):436 – 450.
Biggs, T.W., P.K. Mishra, and H. Turral. 2008. Evapotranspiration and regional probabilities of soil moisture stress in rainfed crops, southern India. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 148:1585-1597.
Biggs, T.W., Dunne, T., Roberts, D.L., Matricardi, E., 2008. The rate and extent of deforestation in watersheds of the southwestern Amazon Basin. Ecological Applications. 18: 31-48.
Gaur, A., Biggs, T.W., Gumma, M.K., Parthasaradhi, G. and Turral, H., 2008. Water scarcity effects on equitable water distribution and land use in a major irrigation project–case study in India. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 134(1): 26-35.
Bouwer, L.M., Biggs, T.W., Aerts, J.C.J.H. 2008. Estimates of spatial variation in evaporation using satellite-derived surface temperatures and a water balance model. Hydrological Processes 22: 670-682.
Biggs, T.W., A. Gaur, C.A. Scott, P. Thenkabail, R. Gangadhara Rao, M. Krishna Gumma, S.K. Acharya, and H. Turral. 2007. Closing of the Krishna Basin: Irrigation development, streamflow depletion, and macroscale hydrology. Research Report 111. International Water Management Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Thenkabail, P., Parthasaradhi, G., Biggs, T.W., Gumma, M.K., Turral, H. 2007. Spectral Matching Techniques to Determine Historical Land use/Land cover (LULC) and Irrigated Areas using Time-series AVHRR Pathfinder Datasets in the Krishna River Basin, India. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 73: 1029-1040.
Biggs, T.W., Scott, C.A., Rajagopalan, B. and Turral, H., 2007, Trends in solar radiation due to clouds and aerosols, Krishna River Basin, Southern India, 1952-1997. International Journal of Climatology, 27: 1505-1518.
Biggs, T. W., P. S. Thenkabail, M.K. Gumma, C. Scott, G. R. Parthasaradhi, and H. Turral. 2006. Irrigated area mapping in heterogeneous landscapes using MODIS time-series, ground surveys, and agricultural census data in Krishna River Basin, India. International Journal of Remote Sensing 10: 4245-4266
Biggs, T. W., T. Dunne, and T. Muraoka. 2006. Transport of water, solutes, and nutrients from a pasture hillslope, southwestern Brazilian Amazon. Hydrological Processes 20: 2527-2547.
Ahmad, M., T. W. Biggs, H. Turral, and C. Scott. 2006. Application of SEBAL Approach to Map the Agricultural Water Use Patterns in the Data Scarce Krishna River Basin of India. Water Science and Technology 53: 83-90.
Van Rooijen D., Turral H., Biggs T.W. 2005. Sponge City: Water balance of mega-city water use and wastewater use in Hyderabad, India. International Council on Irrigation and Drainage Wastewater Irrigation Special Issue.
Biggs, T. W., T. Dunne, and L. A. Martinelli. 2004. Natural controls and human impacts on stream nutrient concentrations in a deforested region of the Brazilian Amazon basin. Biogeochemistry 68:227-257.
Holmes, K., D.A. Roberts, S. Sweeney, I. Numata, E. Matricardi, O.A. Chadwick, T.W. Biggs, G. Batista. 2004. Soil databases and the problem of establishing regional biogeochemical trends. Global Change Biology, 10, 796-814.
Biggs, T.W., T. Dunne, T.F.Domingues, and L.A.Martinelli. 2002. The relative influence of natural watershed properties and human disturbance on stream solute concentrations in the southwestern Brazilian Amazon basin.Water Resources Research 38:doi 10.1029/2001WR000271.
Richey, J.E., Krusche, A., Deegan, L., Ballester, V., Biggs, T. and Victoria, R., 2001, Land use changes and the biogeochemistry of river corridors in the Amazon. International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme, Global Change News Letter, 45, 19-22.
Refereed Book Chapters
Biggs, T., Petropoulos, G., Velpuri, N., Marshall, M., Glenn, E., Nagler, P., & Messina, A. 2015. Remote Sensing of Actual Evapotranspiration from Croplands. In Remote Sensing of Water Resources, Disasters, and Urban Studies (pp. 59–99). CRC Press.
Van Rooijen, D.J., Smout, I., Drechsel, P., Biggs, T.W., 16. Wastewater treatment capacity, food production and health risk in peri-urban areas: A comparison of three cities, in: Maheshwari, B., Purohit, R., Malano, H., Singh, V.P., Amerasinghe, P. (Eds.), The Security of Water, Food, Energy and Liveability of Cities. Springer, Dordrecht. doi:10.1007/978-94-017-8878-6
Biggs, T. W. (2013, invited). 11.2 Hydrologic insights from long term runoff patterns across Krishna Basin, India. Prediction in Ungaged Basins: Synthesis. G. Bloschl, M. Sivapalan, T. Wagener and H. H. G. Savenije, Cambridge University Press.